Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society

We aim to unite students who desire to understand how societies may become better places for people to live and flourish. To this end, we encourage students to study and discuss pressing problems with insights from philosophy, politics, economics, and related disciplines.

“ Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom. ”

Alexis De Tocqueville French Political Scientist

The Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society (PPE Society) aims to discover and unite Brown students who share a desire to understand how societies may become better places for people to live and flourish. The PPE Society pursues this topic while holding dual commitments to disciplinary and ideological pluralism. We are interdisciplinary, as we engage and investigate the ideas and research across all academic disciplines relevant to human societies. Naturally, we primarily focus upon the disciplines within our namesake (Philosophy, Political Science and Economics), but students from all academic disciplines and concentrations are welcome to submit PPE Society applications and attend related events. We are committed to ideological pluralism in so far as we explicitly showcase alternative and often competing political and ideological viewpoints in our readings, discussions, and sponsored events. In short, the PPE Society seeks to provide a space for open and civil discourse, dialogue, disagreement, and debate about social institutions and social ideologies. All are always welcome.

PPE society meeting

During each semester, PPE Society fellows participate in a guided reading and discussion group, meeting approximately every other week while classes are in session. Readings are selected with the aim of deepening the group's appreciation and understanding of theories and research relevant to that semester's guest presentations via Odyssey lectures, the PPE seminar series, Agora Lecture and or Janus Forum events. PPE fellows provide guidance and feedback on past and future events and also have unique opportunities to meet and interact with visiting scholars hosted by the PPE Center.

The PPE Society provides a competitive fellowship opportunity for student applicants. Similar to other programs on campus, fellows receive a $500 research stipend per semester while they remain active members in the PPE Society. Student fellows must fulfill all formal requirements in order to receive funds at the end of each semester.

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